Online Privacy

Online Privacy


Most popular in Online Privacy

Anonymous browsing: How to stay anonymous while browsing the web
Want to stay anonymous while browsing the internet? Explore 5 tips to browse the internet anonymously and safeguard your online privacy.
Published November 17, 2023 ·3 min
What is a VPN? And why you should use a VPN on public Wi-Fi
VPN, or "virtual private network," is a service that can help improve your online privacy. Learn more about a VPN, how it works, and why you should use it on public Wi-Fi.
Published November 17, 2023 ·3 min
Fingerprinting: What it is & how to stop it
Browser fingerprinting is a method of tracking online activity. Learn more about fingerprinting & how you can help protect your privacy.
Published October 10, 2023 ·7 min read

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What is Tor Browser and how is it used to access the dark web
Learn how Tor Browser is used for anonymous browsing. Discover how it works, how it’s used to access the dark web & if it's safe.
Published January 31, 2024 ·6 min read
Are the benefits of a VPN worth getting it?
If you're deciding whether you should get a VPN, you'll want to take a look at the benefits first.
Published September 01, 2023 ·2 min read
Internet tracking: How and why we’re followed online
Internet tracking is how websites study our behaviour when we visit them.
Published June 08, 2022 ·3 min
How to increase Facebook privacy: 9 ways to boost your privacy on Facebook
Facebook isn’t that private, unless you take the steps to make it that way. If you’re not careful, you’ll be sharing your posts with people you’ve never met, online or offline
Published March 17, 2022 ·2 min read

ID Theft

Identity theft: Five tips to help protect your identity
Find out how neuroscience helps cybercriminals earn money and what simple things you can do to protect yourself.
Published February 02, 2022 ·2 min read
How to find a trusted identity theft solution in the UK
In this digital age, it's easy to have your identity stolen. Ensure you're prepared with a trusted identity theft solution in the UK.
Published August 18, 2022 ·4 min read
Know the signs: How to tell if your identity is stolen
Identity theft happens when your data or personal information is taken without your knowledge. Know the signs to keep your identity safe
Published September 29, 2022 ·3 min read
5 easy steps to help prevent identity theft in the UK
The fallout from identity theft can be devastating, so prevention is better than cure. Here are 5 tips to help protect yourself against identity theft
Published October 06, 2022 ·2 min read

Kid's Safety

Cyber safety guide for college kids
College is a whole new world. Between the excitement of living on your own, meeting new, interesting people, and picking out classes you actually care about, there are some equally important things to consider while embracing your full-fledged independence.
Published August 08, 2018 ·4 min read
Cyber safety guide for grade school kids
Help your grade school kid navigate the Internet safely with these online cyber security tips.
Published August 08, 2018 ·2 min read
How to avoid scams while live-streaming video games
What are the most common scams that you’ll encounter when live-streaming video games and how can you avoid them?
Published August 08, 2018 ·4 min read
Cyber safety guide for middle school kids
The best way to fight cybercriminals is through education, and that can start at any age. Here are a few tips to help your middle school child explore the Internet freely.
Published August 08, 2018 ·3 min read

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