
50 articles

What is Tor Browser and how is it used to access the dark web
Learn how Tor Browser is used for anonymous browsing. Discover how it works, how it’s used to access the dark web & if it's safe.
Published January 31, 2024 ·6 min read
What is an IP address? A definition + how to find it
Read about IP addresses and what their is role in your digital life. Learn what information your IP address reveals and how you can protect it.
Published November 20, 2023 ·4 min
Anonymous browsing: How to stay anonymous while browsing the web
Want to stay anonymous while browsing the internet? Explore 5 tips to browse the internet anonymously and safeguard your online privacy.
Published November 17, 2023 ·3 min
What is a VPN? And why you should use a VPN on public Wi-Fi
VPN, or "virtual private network," is a service that can help improve your online privacy. Learn more about a VPN, how it works, and why you should use it on public Wi-Fi.
Published November 17, 2023 ·3 min
What is private browsing? How to use it on any browser
Major web browsers offer private browsing. Learn what private browsing is and how to turn it on and off in any browser.
Published November 17, 2023 ·3 min read
Fingerprinting: What it is & how to stop it
Browser fingerprinting is a method of tracking online activity. Learn more about fingerprinting & how you can help protect your privacy.
Published October 10, 2023 ·7 min read
Are the benefits of a VPN worth getting it?
If you're deciding whether you should get a VPN, you'll want to take a look at the benefits first.
Published September 01, 2023 ·2 min read
Internet tracking: How and why we’re followed online
Internet tracking is how websites study our behaviour when we visit them.
Published June 08, 2022 ·3 min
How to increase Facebook privacy: 9 ways to boost your privacy on Facebook
Facebook isn’t that private, unless you take the steps to make it that way. If you’re not careful, you’ll be sharing your posts with people you’ve never met, online or offline
Published March 17, 2022 ·2 min read
How to keep your personal information safe on social media
Here are several ways to keep your personal information safe while still enjoying the benefits of making social media connections.
Published March 01, 2022 ·3 min read
Stalkerware Cases Stabilize, but Remain Concerningly High
How online creeping and cyber stalking differ, the most common cyber stalking tactics, and where we are with stalkerware today
Published February 14, 2022 ·4 min read
Twitter Users Struggle to Adapt 2FA
Twitter offers a 2FA option to its users and has recently released a transparency report which provides some statistics on how people on Twitter are protecting their accounts – and sadly, it’s not with 2FA.
Published October 04, 2021 ·4 min read
How secure is the cloud?
The positives of storing data and files in the cloud are many, but you may have questions about security. Find answers here.
Published August 08, 2018 ·4 min read
Straight talk about cyberstalking
Technology opens our lives up in ways that weren't possible even less than a decade ago.
Published August 08, 2018 ·2 min read
Public Wi-Fi security: Why public Wi-Fi may be vulnerable to attack
Your personal info could be vulnerable to attack on public Wi-Fi. Here’s how to help stay safe.
Published August 08, 2018 ·4 min read
Is a VPN the safest way to browse the internet?
What is a VPN and is it the safest way to browse the internet?
Published August 08, 2018 ·3 min read
12 online habits that can expose you to spyware
Tips to help you avoid spyware.
Published August 08, 2018 ·3 min read
Your private browser may not be so private after all
Here are some essential things you might want to know about private browsers.
Published August 08, 2018 ·5 min read
How to Remove Personal Information From the Internet
If you’re ready to help protect your online privacy, here’s how to remove personal information from the internet.
Published August 08, 2018 ·3 min read
Are password managers secure?
Password managers offer encrypted solutions for creating and storing strong passwords that help keep your data more secure.
Published August 08, 2018 ·3 min read
Password management: Keep your passwords safer and private online
Learn how proper password management recommendations helps reduce the risk of your online accounts being hacked.
Published August 08, 2018 ·3 min read
What is a no-log VPN?
VPNs with no logs protect your privacy by not keeping logs of where you go or what you do online.
Published August 08, 2018 ·2 min read
Is a free VPN just as effective as a paid VPN?
Is a free VPN just as effective as a paid VPN? Find out more:
Published August 08, 2018 ·3 min read
Here’s the reason why everyone covers up their webcam
Can cybercriminals spy on you through your webcam? Here’s why you should cover it up.
Published August 08, 2018 ·2 min read
Is my personal data really gone when it's deleted from a device?
Most of us are familiar with deleting data, we do it almost every day but is it really gone from a device when deleted?
Published August 08, 2018 ·3 min read
What is device encryption and why should you use it?
Encryption and online security. What is it and how does it work?
Published August 08, 2018 ·2 min read
What are cookies?
Mention “cookies,” and most people expect a treat to appear. When talking about computers, however, cookies aren’t what’s on the dessert menu. In fact, they’re not even physical objects.
Published August 08, 2018 ·4 min read
The risks of public Wi-Fi
Did you know there could be threats lurking in the background on public Wi-Fi while you balance your bank account and sip a latte at your favorite cafe?
Published August 08, 2018 ·4 min read
How to generate a strong password and easily keep it secure.
Your online passwords are the keys to your digital life. Find out how to easily protect them.
Published August 08, 2018 ·3 min read
How to protect your online privacy
Online privacy is important. Take these steps to protect your financial and personal information.
Published August 08, 2018 ·2 min read
Webcam security: Prevent a hacked webcam and stay safer online.
Webcams are useful tools for engagement and connectivity, but hacked webcams are an attacker’s dream. Stay safer online with our guide.
Published August 08, 2018 ·3 min read
Why you need internet security software when you're online
Why internet security is so important and the types of cyberthreats that exist
Published August 08, 2018 ·2 min read
Protecting your privacy on social media networks
Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat have become societal cornerstones. People love sharing their personal news and views about what’s going on in their lives.
Published August 08, 2018 ·4 min read
How to protect your family while they’re on the internet
Do you know what your family is doing on the internet? Parental control help you keep tabs on your children online.
Published August 08, 2018 ·4 min read
The essential 12-step guide to help you stay secure online and protect your online privacy
A 12-step guide to help secure online privacy protection.
Published August 08, 2018 ·2 min read
Secure browsing with a VPN for desktop computers
Protect your browsing data, personal information and privacy with a virtual private network (VPN) for your desktop computer. Learn how a VPN encrypts your browsing data and keeps your computer’s IP address private.
Published August 08, 2018 ·4 min read
What is a VPN? A guide to Virtual Private Networks
Learn how VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) can help enhance online privacy and anonymity.
Published August 08, 2018 ·4 min read
How does a VPN work and should I use one?
Using a virtual private network, or VPN, can help protect your online privacy and data. Here’s how.
Published August 08, 2018 ·3 min read
How you can spot the next phishing attempt against you
There are five signs that you can help you spot a phishing attempt. Learn about them from the Norton blog.
Published August 08, 2018 ·2 min read
Data breaches aren’t going anywhere--what you need to know
It may seem like stories of massive data breaches are popping up in the news on a weekly basis these days. Unfortunately, this is not surprising.
Published August 08, 2018 ·3 min read
Why antivirus may not be enough
4 reasons why you need antivirus software and more
Published August 08, 2018 ·2 min read
Can cybercriminals spy on you through your webcam?
Webcams are great to stay connected with friends and loved ones but are they secure?
Published August 08, 2018 ·2 min read
How to clean up your online digital footprint
Your “digital footprint” includes all traces of your online activity, from commenting on news pieces or social media to making online purchases. When you know the boundaries of your digital footprint, and take steps to control it, you can protect your identity and your reputation.
Published August 08, 2018 ·4 min read
How a VPN can help hide your search history
Even in private browsing mode, your IP information is being collected. Learn how a VPN can help hide your IP address and search history.
Published August 08, 2018 ·2 min read
DDoS attacks: What are they and how can you prevent them?
DDoS attacks are on the rise, but following smart online safety guidelines can greatly reduce your risk.
Published August 08, 2018 ·3 min read
9 tips to improve account safety online
Keep your account and password safe online with these nine tips.
Published August 08, 2018 ·3 min read
Tips for protecting your privacy online
With online spying in the news, you may be wondering who’s watching where you go online and what sites you visit. This is a legitimate concern.
Published August 08, 2018 ·2 min read
VPN for Mac
Help protect your browsing activity while using your Mac computer with a VPN. Learn how a VPN provides privacy while you browse and helps keep your information safe when using public Wi-Fi.
Published August 07, 2018 ·4 min read
VPN For Windows
Help keep your browsing activity private by using a VPN on your Windows PC. Learn what a VPN is and how it helps to keep your information safe and private, especially when using public Wi-Fi.
Published August 07, 2018 ·2 min read
What are some of the laws regarding internet and data security?
Numerous laws in the U.S. cover Internet, data security, and privacy in the United States, with the 1974 Privacy Act (link is external) arguably being the foundation for it all. The Privacy Act passed to establish control over the collection, maintenance, use, and dissemination of personal information by agencies in the executive branch of the U.S. government.
Published January 18, 2018 ·3 min read

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