Why antivirus may not be enough


4 reasons why you need antivirus software and more

Malicious software and viruses are as prevalent as ever, and that’s why having antivirus software is as important as ever. But the “threat landscape,” as security experts like to call it, is changing. And that means your approach to protecting your identity and your data should also evolve. Antivirus alone may not be enough.

We take a look at what’s happened over the past couple of decades, as we’ve moved from a PC-centric world of desktop computers to one in which you’re likely to have multiple internet-connected devices across your home. That increased level of connectedness may make life more convenient in many ways, but it also increases your level of vulnerability — unless you take steps to minimize risk.

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4 reasons why you need antivirus software and more

A dozen or so years ago, your computer might’ve been your sole source of cyber risk. As a result, antivirus software was a solid solution to help protect yourself. Now, cybercriminals are going after you in other ways. For instance:

1. Viruses and other kinds of malicious software — or malware — are more advanced. Crooks can use ransomware to lock your computer or encrypt your files. They can also commandeer your devices to mine for digital coins, an attack known as crypto jacking.

2. There are now more internet-connected devices than ever before, and criminals have taken note. They’ve designed malware that can attack not only your PC but also your smartphone, tablet, home router, and items you may not even consider at risk, such as a smart thermostat, gaming console, and baby monitor.

3. As you use your mobile devices outside the home, taking advantage of public Wi-Fi networks, cybercriminals can be on those same networks. After all, public Wi-Fi passwords aren’t difficult to come by. And with the right tools, criminals can monitor what you’re doing online, including the forms you’re filling out, and steal your personal information. With that information they can steal your identity.

4. Identity theft can also occur as a result of the many data breaches you see in the news — the number of which is on the rise. Cybercriminals can make a hefty fortune in selling your identity on the dark web and giving them access to much more than just your finances and personal data.

If cybercriminals put their hands on personal identifying data, such as your full name, address and other kinds of information, they can use it to open new bank accounts, claim tax breaks in your name, and even obtain medical treatment— all in your name. As an identity theft victim, it’s up to you to clean up the mess left behind, one that could affect your credit history, your finances, and more.

As you consider the new and evolving ways cybercriminals can put your personal information at risk, you may want to consider additional ways to help protect yourself. Call it cyber safety.

5 aspects of your connected life that need protection

Here are five aspects of your connected life that require protection — in large part because they’re connected in some way to the internet — and options for helping protect them:

1. Computers, be they PCs or laptops

Antivirus software is still an important means of protection. Viruses and malware threats have evolved and increased in number. For example, ransomware infections have increased year-over-year since 2013, and reached an all-time high of 1,271 detections per day in 2016, according to Symantec’s Internet Security Threat Report.

Make sure you have security software installed on all of your computers, and keep it updated, so you’ll have protection against the latest, known threats. One option you may want to consider is Norton 360, which provides not only real-time protection against existing and emerging malware, including ransomware and viruses, but also includes a password manager, safecam for PC, cloud backup for PC and a VPN.

2. Mobile devices, both smartphones and tablets

Security software can also protect devices other than computers. Since malware and other threats also target smartphones and tablets, it makes sense to install protection on all of your mobile devices.

Again, one option to consider is Norton Security, which can help protect your devices — whether iOS or Android — from all kinds of security threats. Install it and keep it updated.

3. Public Wi-Fi connections

If you pay bills, shop, check email, or otherwise share information while on public Wi-Fi networks, you need to be careful. Cybercriminals may be watching your actions and can steal your personal information. You may want to save such activity until you’re back at home. But if it can’t wait, make sure you’re using a virtual private network — or VPN. A VPN encrypts the data you send and receive while on public Wi-Fi or even at home.

Norton Secure VPN is one such solution. It’s a no-log VPN that encrypts your personal information and doesn’t track or store your activity or location. With a VPN, your online activity while on public Wi-Fi is encrypted from those who might want to “eavesdrop” and capture what sites you’re visiting and information you’re sharing.

4. Your identity

Given how connected most of us are to the internet — through our computers, smartphones, and online accounts — it makes sense that the information that makes up our identities is also connected. Think about how much of your information is “out there,” no longer under your control.

In the event of a data breach involving a company with which you do business, information such as your full name and details can quickly make its way into the hands of identity thieves. They can then use it to gain access to your financial accounts, hurt your credit score, and more. To avoid unpleasant surprises, make sure to regularly check your credit report and score.

5. Your home Wi-Fi network and connected devices

The ability to adjust your home’s thermostat from your phone or see who’s at the front door on your tablet are just two of the many benefits of having a smart home. Such conveniences will only increase as more connected devices become available. But that connectivity — if not secure — can be risky. It can give hackers more opportunities to access your Wi-Fi network and the information you may share on it.

Clearly, you’re connected in more ways than ever before. A quick glance around your home will confirm it. And as technology continues to evolve, the threats will, too, as criminals adapt.

Find out how Norton 360 can help secure your devices and online privacy:


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