How to find a trusted identity theft solution in the UK


In this digital age, it's easy to have your identity stolen. Ensure you're prepared with a trusted identity theft solution in the UK.


Living in the digital age has all sorts of amazing advantages but it also makes it surprisingly easy to have your identity stolen.

It might seem like something that happens to other people, but all a cybercriminal needs to steal your identity is your name, address and date of birth. Scary, right? Many people openly share two out of those three details on their Facebook page.

Prevention is always better than cure. If cybercriminals ever steal your identity, having a trusted identity theft solution in place can help you to navigate this worst-case scenario with a minimum of stress. So, what are the benefits of having this solution and how can you choose the best one for you?

Choose a trusted company

With any service, there are always cheap but unreliable options available. That doesn’t mean that you have to break the bank, but it pays to go with a respected company you can trust. Choose someone with a proven pedigree that offers the benefits that will make a real difference if your identity is stolen. 

Early detection

An early warning can go a long way when it comes to identity fraud. The longer your identity is compromised, the greater the damage that can be done.

When looking for a solution, try to find one that helps you better protect your identity. That’s what Norton Identity Advisor Plus can do.

With data breaches, personal information is often sold or distributed on the dark web which can then be used to commit identity theft. Norton Identity Advisor Plus offers Dark Web Monitoring, which scans the dark web for your personal information like your email address, credit card numbers or phone numbers.1

If it finds anything while trawling the dark web’s private forums and sites, you’ll receive a notification. In addition to these notifications, you should also regularly check your credit report and score to ensure no major financial activities have taken place. Knowing your information is out there and available to cybercriminals actually gives you an opportunity. You can update passwords, cancel credit cards, freeze accounts, or take whatever action is necessary to help secure your identity before it can be stolen, and prevent cybercriminals taking out loans in your name, accumulating unwanted debts and doing untold damage to your credit score.

Social media monitoring

Social media accounts are a common target for cybercriminals looking to steal your identity. After all, a password is all that is standing between them and a treasure trove of personal information. If they gain access to your account, they could also use it to target your friends or followers with social engineering scams or malware.

1Dark Web Monitoring is not available in all countries. Monitored information varies based on country of  residence. It defaults to monitor your email address and begins immediately. Sign into your account to enter more  information for monitoring.

Luckily, Norton Identity Advisor Plus monitors popular social media sites and lets you know of any suspicious activity. This service can scan for unusual login attempts or warn you about the presence of malware. Now all you have to worry about is your friends posting unflattering photos of you!1

Access to someone who can help

One of the big issues with having your identity stolen is knowing who you can turn to for help. Your friends and family are unlikely to have any experience in this area. Deciding on your next steps can be daunting when you don’t know what you’re supposed to do.

When choosing any identity theft solution, make sure it’s one that you can easily contact if needed. There’s nothing worse than having a crisis and finding yourself unable to speak to anyone at your service provider.

With Norton Identity Advisor Plus, you call up an Identity Restoration Specialist and tell them all about your identity theft issue. They can help you with advice and support about what to do next if someone does get past your defences or assume your identity. As soon as you call them, they’ll gather the key information and open a restoration case to help you restore your identity.

Practical solutions to your problems

Your Identity Restoration Specialist isn’t just there to console you or take your details. They’re there to help you resolve the problem, which is what you’ll need in this scenario.

They’ll help you take charge of the situation to get things back on track. They’ll support you every step of the way, by guiding you through the steps you should take and calls you should make. They’ll make sure you’ve everything you need to do what needs to be done.

Identity theft can be hard. With Norton Identity Advisor Plus, getting help to restore your identity can be easy.

1Does not include monitoring of chats or direct messages. May not identify cyberbullying, explicit, or illegal content or hate speech. Social Media Monitoring only available on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube. On Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn only account takeover feature is available.


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